Available to members now, the July IPDA Newsletter, from the Members Only drop down menu choice. All feedback welcomed and articles or ideas for articles very much welcomed. Drop Michael an email at ipdasecretary1@gmail.com

April IPDA Newsletter Published

All, The April Newsletter has been issued to members. If you did not receive your copy it is also now available in the Members Only area. A very enjoyable read. Well done Dave. Also as mentioned in the Newsletter and as was noted in the Minutes to the AGM last month we add a big […]

January Newsletter now published

Members should have received the IPDA Newsletter for January 2021 in the email by now. If not please email the General Secretary or view it from the Members only Menu Contributions for the February issue are most welcome and should be sent to the Newsletter Editor, Dave Sheridan, at globalphilately@gmail.com Thankyou

January / February 2021 Recruitment Drive

Why not start the year by applying to join the IPDA?  Do you sell on the internet through your own website or online market place? If yes then please read more about us and our services and click the apply  to join  menu choice. Our members support and promote the high standards we believe collectors […]


As a member of the IPDA, why is it important to you  to be a member ? please let us know so we can use your thoughts in promotional material please email  the General Secretary at ipdasecretary1@gmail.com