Internet Philatelic Dealers Association Inc


There are so many Glossaries in the philatelic domain. There is no complete list. There are US biased lists, UK biased lists and so on. This list we think combines enough to help you understand the more frequently used, and perhaps some so not frequently used, abbreviations.  If you find one missing please contact the General Secretary.


There are so many Glossaries in the philatelic domain. There is no complete list. There are US biased lists, UK biased lists and so on. This list we think combines enough to help you understand the more frequently used, and perhaps some so not frequently used, abbreviations.  If you find one missing please contact the General Secretary.

Abbreviations & Philatelic Terminology
Abbreviations Definitions
###v Variant that doesn’t have an assigned Scott Number
(O) Good Used, Fine Used or Very Fine Used
(P##x##) Perforated ##x##
(P) Photographed
A.A.M.C./Eustis Australian Air Mail Catalogue (Nelson Eustis) current edition
A.S.C. Australian Stamp Catalogue (Seven Seas Stamps) Current Colour Edition
A: Album or Year Album
AAT Australian Antarctic Territory
ACSC or B/W Brusden White Aust. C’Wealth Specialist Catalogue
AP Australia Post
ASBA Australian Booklet Specialist Album
ATM Automatic Teller Machine
Attd Attached Se-tenant
Av. Margins cut into design
B(4) Block of 4
b/s Back stamp
B/S Button Set
BAT British Antarctic Territory
BCOF British Commonwealth Occupation Force (Japan)
BE Bull’s eye perforated
BEP Burea of Engraving and Printing
BIOT British Indian Ocean Territory
BK Booklet
Bklt / B Booklet
BP Blunt Perfs
C of A Commonwealth of Australia
c.d.s. Circular date stamp cancellation
C Cover
Cat. / CV Catalogue Value
CC Collector Card
Ccl Cancel
CN Collection
Commem Commemorative or Special Issue sets
CP(20) Convertible Pane or Booklet
CP Campbell Patterson – New Zealand Catalogue
CPS Counter Printed Stamps ( Face Value Printed on Stamps at P.O. Counter )
Cr Crease
CTO: Cancelled to order (Generally from PO “specimen” packs)
Defin Definitive or Regular long term issue stamp sets
dg Dull gum, when used as a Scott # suffix
DG Disturbed Gum
Env Envelope
F Margins close on 1 or more sides
F.D.C. First Day Cover
F.V. or FV Face Value
FDC First Day Cover
FDI First Day of Issue
F-VF 4 margins
GRI Georgus Rex Imperator
GU / VGU Good used, Very Good Used
GU / FU / VFU Good Used, Fine Used or Very Fine Used
H Hinged
H & G Higgins & Gage (Postal Stationery Catalogue)
h/s Handstamped or Handstamp
HB Heritage Book
HDG Heavily Disturbed Gum
HH Heavy Hinged
HPVG Horizontal pair (left-right) with a vertical gutter between
HPVL Horizontal pair with a vertical line between
HR Hinge Remnant
Hz Horizontal, when used after the catalog number indicates a block that is attached left to right
IMP Imperforate
Imp Imprint
Imperf Imperforate
IPM Imperforate Margin
KEVII King Edward VII
KGV King George V
KGVI King George VI
LC Lettercard
lg Low Gloss gum
LH Lightly Hinged
LP Line Pair
M/S or MS Miniature Sheets / Souvenir Sheets
Marg Marginal (Copy of Stamp Adjacent to Selvedge of Sheet)
Mi or Michel Michel (German) Catalogue. Current edition and prices in D.Marks
MLH or * Mint Lightly Hinged
MP Micro-Printing in the design of the stamp
MNH or MUH or ** Mint Unhinged – Unmounted Mint, Mint Never Hinged
N.W.P.I. North West Pacific Islands
NG No Gum
NH Never Hinged, gum as issued
O/C Appreciably Off-Centre – Usually in two Directions
O/W Otherwise
OG Original Gum, may be hinged
OP OverPrint
Opt. Overprinted
OS Official Service – Official Use
P# Plate number
P(#) Pane of (#)
P.O. Post Office
P Portfolio
PB Plate Block. If there is no other description then assume a plate block of 4
PC Postcard
Perf Perforation
POA Price on Application
POP Post Office Pack
PPM Part Perforated Through Margin
PSE Pre-Stamped Envelope
PTM Perforated Through Margin
QEII Queen Elizabeth II
QV Queen Victoria
R/C Reasonably Centred
RG ReGummed (not OG)
S Specimen
S/S Seven Seas
SC or Scott Scott Catalogue number current edition and price in $US
SC Souvenir Cover
SCDAA Stamp & Coin Dealers Association of Australasia
SE Straight edge
Selv Selvedge
Setenant Block containing stamps with different designs
SG Stanley Gibbons catalogue number – usually “Part 1″Br. Commonwealth in £Stg.
Sheet A sheet of stamps as issued
Shtlt Sheetlet
SP Short Perforation
STC Stated to have a catalogue value of……………
Superb Perfect !!! No faults !!!
U/Un Used/Unused, may also be cancelled to order (CTO)
U Used, may also be unused or CTO
Un Unused, may be hinged, OG, DG
Unadd Unaddressed
Unc. Uncirculated
Unused / (*) Mint or Uncancelled without Gum – (Generally on earlier issues Pre-1900)
VF 4 large margins
VF or V.F. Very Fine: Refers to overall condition
VPHG Vertical pair (top-bottom) with a horizontal gutter between
VPHL Vertical pair with a horizontal line between
vr Vertical, when used after the catalog number indicates a block that is attached top to bottom
VST Victoria Stamp Traders
W/C Well-Centred
WCS Wesley Cover Service
Wmk Watermark
XF Centered with 4 large margins
Zum Zumstein Catalogue